Everything You Need to Close Your Next Cleaning Contracts

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Michelle Audas
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5 min read •
Jul 4, 2017
Grow Your Business

Winning new cleaning contracts is one of the toughest challenges commercial cleaning companies face.

It’s hard to know where to find new leads, how to stand out from the competition, and how to avoid competing on price.

It’s such a big issue that it’s even stopped owners who love our software from “putting a ring on it” so to speak…because investing in your business is scary if you don’t know when you’ll sign your next contract.

So naturally we started brainstorming how to help you overcome this challenge. We knew we needed to create a resource that would get you ready to close your next client in the shortest amount of time possible.

It started with cold calling and emailing scripts. Then walk-through checklists. A free estimator tool. And even partnering with our friends at Proposify to provide a professionally designed proposal template.

Soon we had so many free, yet incredibly valuable materials, that we had to package them up in a way that was easily digestible.

The 21 Day Sales Challenge was born.

To make it easy to decide if signing up for the 21 Day Sales Challenge is right for you and your business, we’ve answered some Frequently Asked Questions about the challenge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it reeeally free? What’s the catch? 

A: No catch, it’s reeeally free. In order to complete the challenge you’ll need to sign up for a free trial of the Swept app, but there is no pressure to buy the software at the end of the trial. We’re pretty confident it will help you stand out from your competition, but we’ll let you see for yourself!

Q: Do I have to do the challenge in 21 Days?

A: Truthfully, “21 Day” sales challenge is a bit misleading. You can complete it in whatever number of days suits you. If you need more time, take it. If you want to skip ahead, you’ll have access to the whole 3 weeks worth of materials right from day one.

Q: What type of business owner is this challenge for?

A: The challenge is designed with owners and managers of small / medium size commercial cleaning companies in mind. Especially helpful for those who are new to the industry or who have not yet put sales systems and processes in place, the challenge assumes you are starting from scratch. Having said that, you can also pick and choose what you take from it!

Q: Is it a big commitment?

A: The only commitment you’re making by signing up for the challenge is to yourself and your business! The challenge materials can be hugely beneficial to your company, but we can’t make you do the work. There’s no penalty for signing up and not completing the challenge, but you won’t see the results you’re looking for!

Q: What will I learn during the challenge?

A: Each week of the challenge has a different focus. Here’s a breakdown of each one:

Closing Your Next Cleaning Contracts - Week 1: Bidding on a Space

  • Learn how to take charge of a walk through
  • Learn how to stand out from the competition
  • Get tips & tricks for bidding on a space
  • Download your walk-through checklist
  • Sign up for our free estimator tool

Closing Your Next Cleaning Contracts - Week 2: Generating Leads

  • Learn why and how to pick an ideal client
  • Build a list of businesses you want to work with
  • Get scripts for cold calling / emailing
  • Learn how to write better job postings
  • Start building a database of cleaners to hire from

Closing Your Next Cleaning Contracts - Week 3: Closing the Deal

  • Learn what goes into a professional proposal
  • Get a beautifully designed proposal template
  • Download your follow-up email scripts
  • Get scripts for conducting cleaner interviews

It’s important to note that we don’t just help you find and win the client. We’ve also built in tasks and tools for ensuring you have hired the best cleaners for the job by the time you sign the new contract.

Q: How are the challenge materials delivered? 

A: Once a week we’ll send you an email that outlines the tasks for the challenge that week. In that email there will be a link to a webpage with the challenge materials, including videos, short blog posts and downloadable worksheets and scripts in the form of PDF files.

Q: Do I need to watch all the videos?

A: The short answer is no. We created the videos in addition to the written material because many people prefer to learn new things by listening / watching rather than reading. You can choose to watch, read or both — the material covered in the videos is the same as what’s covered in the corresponding blog posts.

Q: Okay, you’ve convinced me. How do I sign up?

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