Communication and the Art of Building Trust
These are uncertain times we are living in.
And one of our greatest tools in battling uncertainty is communication. Clear, concise communication…and lots of it.
The power of communication during times like these can’t be overstated. The ability to broadcast important updates to the right audience is one of the most important ways we can keep our team members, our clients, and even our communities safe. As things have changed rapidly over the past few weeks, we are staying close to the front line workers in the cleaning industry.
“Civilization is communication…That which is not expressed, doesn’t exist” – Haruki Murakami
“When it comes to influence, TRUST is often the missing puzzle piece.” – Bob Burg
We are hearing stories from clients around the globe of how Swept is helping them build trust, and want to ensure our entire community benefits from these tips. Here are just a few of the solutions that are being utilized the most:
- Cleaner Communication using Location-based Message Boards: Swept helps your cleaning company to quickly communicate updates and best practices based on CDC guidelines to all of its employees at 1 time through a location-based message board.
- Message Translation: Ensuring that messages are received in your cleaner’s language, minimizing confusion and removing language barriers.
- Added Clarity: Cleaners can quickly and efficiently message their supervisors and managers to let them know if they encounter any issues/concerns in your buildings.
- Supply Tracking: Some of our customers have reported that it is becoming more difficult to order supplies. Using Swept to report remaining quantities at a location allows you to take action before supply levels get too low, getting ahead of potential supply shortages.
- Inspections: Getting a second set of eyes on focus areas to ensure they are disinfected and safe for your staff.
- Cleaning Instructions: Deliver clear details of what is expected of cleaners when they enter your building. Laying out new processes for the disposal of material, and potential contaminants to keep people safe.
We’ve always known cleaners were undervalued heros, and finally, the rest of the world is seeing how important the work they do truly is. We want to continue to enable you and your teams to stay safe and keep our communities safe.
It is a time where it may be difficult to separate fact from fiction, but we all need to be dedicated, diligent, and believe that things will be changing in a positive direction soon.
In reaction to the global issue, the expected levels of sanitation have been raised across the board, and we’re guessing that these levels will stay elevated for years to come. The best move is to adjust to the changes now and to put long-term plans into place to make these practices your “new normal”. Again, we’ll be here throughout this journey to support you. We’ll also be making important changes in order to stay current, adapt easily, and be in a position to help. We have your back!
Swept is dedicated to highlighting stories that keep everyone in the janitorial industry as up to date on world events and in-the-know as possible. Having started as a commercial cleaning company ourselves, our hearts go well beyond the janitorial software we offer.
Curious what actions your janitorial company can make toward adapting to this fast-changing market? How to improve your communication and message in times of hardship like this, and finding the right service to provide to meet the pain-points currently in high demand? We’ve got the right place to start your search right here!