How to Market Your Commercial Cleaning Business

Konn Lavery
5 min read •
Mar 23, 2021
Grow Your Business

Marketing for your commercial cleaning business doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. As a small business owner all the ways to ‘market’ your business can feel overwhelming. There is a lot of advice on the internet so we wanted to break it down into 4 easy ways to get the word out about your business. 

First, let’s breakdown some of the mysteries. You don’t have to be a marketing expert to take some initial easy steps. Our marketing team at Swept has put together some very SIMPLE ways to market your commercial cleaning business that anyone can do. Yes, you can too. 

How to Market Your Commercial Cleaning Business Tip #1 - Website

If you already have a website you like, skip this step. Otherwise, the first step to growing your janitorial business is to have an online presence: this means your website. 

Why a website? Great question. Having a website makes you look like a legitimate business. On your website, you can tell potential customers what sets you apart from the competition. What’s important to your business? Great customer service? Is your deep clean better than all the rest? This is where you can highlight that. You can also list your reviews, your phone number, and other contact details.  

How? You ask,  we have put together an article for you with 7 simple steps to build a website for your business. Click here to read. 

How to Market Your Commercial Cleaning Business Tip #2 - Magnets/Business cards/Leave behind

Marketing your commercial cleaning business can be as simple as getting business cards or better yet – swag printed. ‘Swag’ means items you can give to customers and potential customers that has your logo on it. One of our amazing customers got fridge magnets made with their logo and contact details on it. 

Make the most of word of mouth: This way a current customer can easily share your details with a potential customer. If it’s a wearable item like a hat or tote bag- they might even do some free advertising for you.

How to Market Your Commercial Cleaning Business Tip #3 - Google, My Business

This one is also a surprisingly simple step. When a customer wants to work with you, they may google you. This is the process of registering your business with google. 

This means your phone number and email address can be available online, you can display google reviews and it helps with your search ranking over your competitors (this means if someone googles ‘Commercial cleaners near me’ you could come up in their search results. 

Just like a website, this adds legitimacy to your business when someone is searching you online.

How to Market Your Commercial Cleaning Business Tip #4 - Utilize Social Media

You may have heard this question time and again, do you have a page on social media? Most companies these days are present on one or more social media platforms. They use these platforms to engage with their current customers or potential clients on a regular basis. 

You can leverage social media to talk to your clients and/or potential customers too, you can also use these platforms to inform people about any new updates you may have for them.  It doesn’t cost you any money to have a Facebook page, Instagram, or YouTube page for your business. It’s a free marketing platform for your business. 

Having a presence on social media will help:

  • build awareness about your services and/or your cleaning business
  • develop relationships with new customers

Identify What Sets you Apart. If you clean dentist offices and you do it well, this might be the ticket to marketing your commercial cleaning services.

Figure out what your target customer is and then make sure those keywords are on your website. Use them in your messaging, and in your social media. Highlight how you are an expert in this particular environment.

Now get out there and start marketing your commercial cleaning business!

market commercial cleaning business

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