To Grow in Janitorial Cleaning, You’ll Need the Right Software

Technology has drastically evolved over time, changing the face of business for good. Before modern technology, workers didn’t have cell phones, email, or instant messaging to communicate, so they had to always be present at their desk. Before computers, there were no digital files—only reams of paperwork. Everything from timecards to paychecks had to be written out by hand.
Eventually came the laptops, internet, cloud storage, email, search engines, social media, blockchain, and other technology we often take for granted nowadays. These new inventions supercharged the way we did work by improving efficiency, reducing space, minimizing errors, increasing free time, and allowing remote work.
Likewise, technology in the janitorial cleaning industry evolved to meet ever-changing demands and trends. These new inventions help improve efficiency, savings, mobility, and safety in the cleaning world. Having the right software, for example, can be a massive benefit for your janitorial cleaning business. Companies evolve as technology does, and investing in software can help grow your business like never before.
Most importantly, the correct software can solve many problems that would normally cause headaches for janitorial cleaners. You need to know your team’s location, track your supply levels and usage, and communicate with your supervisors and cleaners. Software can remedy all these problems, allowing you to become more efficient and focus on building your business.
Your software choices are especially important during these uncertain times. Janitorial cleaners have to work harder than ever before, thanks to the impact of the coronavirus. Any company or building that’s still open undergoes regular disinfecting. If you want to stay ahead of your competitors, you’ll need to adapt and change.
Here are a few ways that you can grow your business by investing in the correct software.
Efficient Janitorial Cleaning
You can plan and prioritize if you have the correct technology. Advanced software lets you plan your day accordingly and gives you insights into which parts of your business need more attention. For example, janitorial software can tell you which clients reported complaints or when you’re running low on supplies. This simple technology lays out your problems in front of you, so you know what to do and when it needs to be done.
Innovative technology allows you to complete tasks with the push of a button. Think of all the things that people once had to do manually: book appointments, manage client databases, report time cards, and more. These activities are much easier to do now, thanks to technological innovation.
Automation in Janitorial Cleaning
Many fear that automation could hurt the janitorial industry (along with many others). After all, it’s easy to see how the Roomba can replace anyone with a vacuum cleaner. But these floor-cleaning technologies can work alongside human workers to save time. A Roomba can only do so much—a robot vacuum doesn’t know anything about disinfecting tabletops, filing reports, or communicating with clients. Those are all things that require a human touch.
Some robots even require human input. SoftBank Robotics’s Whiz, an entirely teachable robot, comes with a 3D camera, a laser range finder, and a collision sensor. But it needs to “learn” the layout of a space from a person before working.
Certain forms of automation actually help human workers in different ways. Process automation is one of the main ways that robots can take manual work out of the hands of staff members.
For example, Europe has many self-cleaning public restrooms that use robotic arms and ultraviolet light to continually scan and disinfect the area all day. A robot called Xenex can clean up to sixty-four rooms a day by using UV to zap bacteria. Studies show that it can kill 53-100% of germs in any given room.
Automating repetitive tasks, such as producing reports, tracking metrics, bidding for customers, setting reminders, and budgeting, will give people more free time. Any money invested in automation pays itself back with extra time. Workers can take care of the complex and essential tasks, while the robots do the boring and tedious ones.
Communicating with Customers
You’ll need modern technology if you want to communicate with customers effectively. After all, 56% of people would rather send a message than call, so it’s imperative that you’re available through email, chat, or an app. With just a few clicks, customers should be able to receive a quote, book an appointment, pay, and leave feedback.
Communicating with clients should be a seamless experience. You must be able to clarify their expectations, notify them about delays, and request feedback or new cleaning opportunities, so you’ll want a customer relationship management tool that can keep a database of all your contacts and clients.
According to our research, 73% of janitorial cleaning company owners say that they have felt the need to lower their bid to win a new cleaning contract.
Swept Founder Michael Brown used this technique to appeal to clients: First, he’d enter their name and address into the Swept app as if he were already hired and visiting their building. He’d then show the client their information in the app and request to see the spots where the previous company had underperformed. Finally, he’d take pictures of the place and add notes about how to clean the area ideally.
Bidding in the coronavirus era isn’t just about price: it’s also about performance. Clients want to know their space is entirely hazard-free to ensure the safety of its occupants.
Tracking metrics has never been more critical. You need to know everything from real-time information about supply tracking to schedules. Metrics can help you analyze your long-term trends and goals and improve your processes. Reporting and measurement enable better decision-making. Every instance of feedback helps improve future operations and efficiency.
Perhaps one of the easiest and most important metrics to track is money. You want to know how much money your company earns and spends, which means you’ll need to track supply costs, employee wages, etc. It might sound exhausting, but there’s plenty of handy software that can make it easier. Once you figure out your finances, you can appropriately adjust your budget as needed.
Providing metrics also helps your customers and employees know what to expect. Your workers should understand that they must meet specific criteria when cleaning. Evaluations might include quality of service, customer satisfaction, safety, and financial costs. You can evaluate each metric and identify where your team excels and where they can improve.
Swept’s janitorial cleaning software helps janitorial cleaning company owners build trust with clients and get ahead of the competition by giving them the tools that they need to spend more time managing their business and less time working in it.
Swept helps janitorial company operators achieve scalable business growth, improve their work/life balance, and spend less time managing cleaners and more time focusing on important business goals.
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