Janitorial Templates

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Konn Lavery
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5 min read •
Mar 21, 2018
Run Your Business

We’ve created and collected sample documents, janitorial templates, and tools that can save you time when creating common documents for your commercial cleaning business.

We understand that your time is valuable. That's why we've taken the initiative to curate a comprehensive list of over 20 janitorial templates just for you. Take a moment to explore the diverse range of options available to you.

Sign up below to receive more than 20 free templates for:

  • Hiring and training cleaners
  • Pitching and quoting your services
  • Improving communication in your business
  • And so much more!

janitorial templates

Get Your Free Janitorial Templates For Your Business Below!

We know you’re busy, and starting from scratch when it comes to the documents, scripts, and checklists you need isn’t necessarily the best use of your time. We’ve created and collected templates for every occasion and packaged them up for your downloading pleasure.

Swept’s janitorial software helps janitorial company owners build trust with clients and get ahead of the competition by giving them the tools they need to spend more time managing their business and less time working on it.

To see how Swept can help your janitorial company grow, schedule a free demonstration with one of our experts today!

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