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Is Your Janitorial Company Prepared for Change? - Swept Janitorial Software

Written by Konn Lavery | April 27, 2020

Times they are a-changin! Especially for the janitorial industry. But, believe it or not, most will be for the better!

This is a good time to turn to industry experts like Mary Miller, (CEO of Jancoa, and author of Changing Direction: 10 Choices That Impact Your Dreams, winner Entrepreneurial Lifetime Achievement Award, as well as more – accolades – than – we – can – count…in short: She knows this industry!), are starting to identify patterns amid the chaos. We’ve been doing our best to gather ideas and opinions on what you should expect in the coming days, months, and even years. 

“I like to think I’m a realistic optimist. I believe we need to remain positive while acknowledging the problem –

It’s ok to be upset about something, just don’t camp out there”

-Mary Miller

Our founder, Michael Brown, had a chance to sit with Mary, and discuss the present, and the future of the janitorial industry, and how to stay one step ahead in these strange days.

Q. What are some important things to remember to stay positive through this difficult time, and keep things in perspective?

 A. This is an important industry, we serve a lot of people. We have and will remain an essential service. Regardless of how many people are working, they need their buildings cleaned. So what we do is important, and we need to shift our mindset about how important what we do is.

“You need to ask yourself, are you ready? Not just to take on the work, but also the responsibility to continue to provide what you promised?”

-Mary Miller

Q. So as the CEO of your company, how have you processed the impact of this pandemic, and what are the actions you’ve taken to protect your employees, clients, and company overall?

A. I like to think I’m a realistic optimist. I believe we need to remain positive, while acknowledging the problem, and not getting stuck in the problem. As my director of training says: It’s ok to be upset about something, just don’t camp out there”. We (Cleaning company owners) don’t have the luxury of being negative right now.We have to find a way to stay focused on the results.

Q. What is one thing you think cleaning company owners can put more effort into right now?

A. One of the most important things we can do to build trust and reassure our clients during all this chaos is to communicate. Transparency and more, better communication is going to be one of the most important elements to us getting through this in one piece, as an industry, and as individuals.


“Better communication is going to be one of the most important elements to us getting through this in one piece, as an industry, and as individuals.”

-Mary Miller

Q. Do you think that diversifying services is going to be a requirement for companies to get through this?

A. This right now, is a great opportunity, not just for smaller companies, but everyone. But you need to ask yourself, are you ready? Not just to take on the work, but also the responsibility to continue to provide what you promised?

Q. Is there anything that cleaning companies can do, or be doing right now, to prepare for coming out of this pandemic? One action to best prepare for when the world starts to normalize again?

A. I think the MOST important thing as we get closer to people going back to public places is knowing what your customers want. And to do that, you need to talk to your customers. How can you know how many employees you need, what kind of equipment, and what services to provide, if you don’t even know what your clients will be asking for?

Q. Do you see an opportunity in all of this for cleaning companies to get more recognition? For people to understand not just the importance of what they do, but have more awareness in general?

A. It was true before, but it will be moreso now. Your company is going to grow based on the relationships you form. And the way you treat those relationships is going to have a direct impact on your janitorial company. When you find a way to network, and build new relationships, and involve yourself not just in your work, but also your community, it helps you grow your business. I suspect this will be even more amplified now.

The above is just the tip of the iceberg

There’s a lot more to our conversation with Mary. Feel free to watch the whole discussion in our webinar. She’s got some pretty darn insightful stuff to share on just about every topic you can imagine!.

Check out the replay here.

We’ve always known cleaners were undervalued heros, and finally, the rest of the world is seeing how important the work they do truly is. We want to continue to enable you and your teams to stay safe and keep our communities safe. 

It is a time where it may be difficult to separate fact from fiction, but we all need to be dedicated, diligent, and believe that things will be changing in a positive direction soon.

In reaction to the global issue, the expected levels of sanitation have been raised across the board, and we’re guessing that these levels will stay elevated for years to come. The best move is to adjust to the changes now and to put long-term plans into place to make these practices your “new normal”. Again, we’ll be here throughout this journey to support you. We’ll also be making important changes in order to stay current, adapt easily, and be in a position to help. We have your back!

Swept is dedicated to highlighting stories that keep everyone in the janitorial industry as up to date on world events and in-the-know as possible. Having started as a commercial cleaning company ourselves, our hearts go well beyond the janitorial software we offer. Learn more about Swept’s cleaning company software here. And to keep up on all the trends in the janitorial services industry, subscribe to our blog!

Curious what actions your janitorial company can make toward adapting to this fast-changing market? How to improve your communication and message in times of hardship like this, and finding the right service to provide to meet the pain-points currently in high demand? We’ve got the right place to start your search right here!